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Science, Sphero bolts and Spirals


In the Dragons class this week, they have been drawing Mayan timelines and comparing them with timelines of things that were happening in Britain at the same time. 

In science they looked at chemical reactions. They saw how when they mixed vinegar and baking soda in a bottle, it created carbon dioxide to inflate a balloon.

They have been busy with the Sphero bolts for a competition entry. Programming them to travel a course navigating a range of obstacles.  

In Maths, they have been thinking about division and remainders. 

Wizards class

In D&T this week, the Wizards have been finding out about CAMs and how they are used to make rotating motion into linear motion. They have begun working co-operatively in groups to construct 4 timber kits for different musicians, which use CAMs to create the moving parts. 

In English, the children have started to write a balanced argument using their research about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism. 

The Wizards will be taking part in the Chipping Norton Music Festival in March (more details to follow) and on Wednesday they were visited by a singer and keyboard player who taught them the songs they will be singing (together with other schools) at the event. 

Finally, the children had lots of fun with the RVRs (all-terrain robots) during a recent IT session. They made them talk to each other and created different courses for them to follow by programming them on iPads. 


The Pixies this week have been looking at odd and even numbers. They have been doing some topic work and sorting materials into human-made and natural.

In the Shire this week, they baked pin-wheel biscuits. 

Year 1 and 2 have been working with the beebots and sphero indis to operate a tour around a 'museum' of communication made of pictures or models of items of communication.

They are looking at items that we use to communicate with, including letters, telegrams, morse code, email, phones, facetime and even smoke signals!

The little explorers were out and about in the playground this week. They did a great job sweeping the leaves and tidying the beds ready for planting outside the classroom.