Online Safety Support
We teach children the SMART rules to help them stay safe online. This is a good place to start when talking to your child about internet use.
Safe: Keep safe by being careful not to give out your personal information - such as your name, e-mail, home address or school name, phone number - to people online.
Meeting: Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. If you feel that you ‘have to’ meet, then for your own safety you must tell you parent or carer and take them with you – at least on the first visit.
Accepting: Accepting emails, messages on IM or opening files, pictures or texts from people you don’t really know or trust can lead to problems – they may contain viruses which can wreck your computer, or nasty messages and images.
Reliable: Remember that people online may not be who they say they are, and so online ‘friends’ are really strangers, no matter how many times you have chatted with them, unless you know and trust them in the ‘offline world.’
Tell: Tell your parent or carer if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.
Follow the rules to stay safe online!